What we do

A bicycle kitchen is a community bike project that provides a space where cyclists can get access to workstands and good quality tools, along with experienced mechanics to help them do everything on their bike from simple maintenance to a complete rebuild.

If you have a bike that needs attention and don't stock a range of tools at home (who does?!) then come and see us and we can help you to do a variety of work. 

If you know what you're doing then we will leave you to it, but if you need our help then just ask and one of our volunteers will show you what to do and get you going.

Examples of work you can do:

- Put together a new bike just out of the box

- Punctures and tyre changes

- Deconstruct / rebuild a classic bike

- Replace lost or broken parts

- Sort out that squeak/ clunk/ rattle that you've been hearing and that you haven't been able to diagnose

- Replace worn cassettes and chains

- Change your pedals

- Replace gear or brake cables

- Go through a general service and check for damage

- We can check your bike is safe for you

- Replace spokes and true a wheel that has been bent  or damaged

- Get hold of an old frame or parts to finish that 'project' you've started

- Tighten loose seat posts or handlebar stems

- Lubricate or grease any stuck parts

- Adapt a bike for specific needs

and many, many more jobs as well. We have a range of expertise and an open door policy so pop in when we're open and we'll see what we can do.

REMEMBER. You will be required to be with your bike at all times. We DO NOT take bikes in for service or repairs. We show you how to do the work and assist you in doing it yourself. This is a fun, interactive experience and you will get your hands dirty. When you arrive please allow time to complete the work.